About My Work

Practical Depth Work.

You are ready to quit your job, at least, a part of you is ready. And yet, there is still someone inside who is scared to take the leap. You are being pulled in opposite directions – a pull into the unknown and a pull to stay where it is safe. You feel hesitant and unclear how to move forward. Stalemate.

There is no quick fix, let’s just stay here for a while – with your fear; with your desire for something novel and greater, and with the painstaking and crazy-making tension these two opposing forces generate.

We will let these two parts say what they have to say. What is the scared part afraid of? Maybe it is holding on to an experience from the past…

This is the depth work. And it will give us a clearer idea of where you are. Then we return to the practical. Now that you know the inner-terrain you are working with, what action steps make sense for you to take?

Maybe you find the fear is from childhood and is, at present, mostly unfounded. Or maybe you find the fear is so gripping you can barely move. In one of these instances, making the leap and quitting the job makes sense. In the other, some more time may be needed.

100% support.

We all have our own darkness, and therapy is a place to uncover this. But it can be scary.

What does it look like to explore vulnerable or shameful parts of oneself in a way that is helpful?

This takes courage – a kind of moving forward despite your body’s warning signs of danger.

In these fragile moments, I am simply a witness, praising your courage to dig into yourself. It is, very sincerely, an honor to see you and witness you in your process.

I am a mirror.

I will reflect what I see. I will be there to celebrate your wins. And I will be there to study your lessons with you. (There is no losing – only winning and learning.)

Meet Our Team

Kevin Cannella, LPC

Hi, I’m Kevin Cannella, a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and my work is to help people align with their core values and transform.

I know this territory because I have walked this path myself. Beginning at the ripe age of 22, I shoe-stringed my way into adventures in the jungles of Peru, the fertile island of Maui, Mother India, and the high planes of Brazil. This went on for years.

This was a volatile time that gave me a great opportunity to use the skills I was learning. With zero external stability to lean on, I had to “be a lamp unto myself.”

To say all of this was transformative is certainly an understatement. Yet, I still needed to align myself with purpose, connection, contribution, and fulfillment. This led me to formally study psychology and counseling at Naropa University in Boulder, CO.

Now, in my practice, I help others find their path and find their inner and outer stability through the inevitable changes that life brings.

In addition to working as a therapist, I am also the Executive Director and Co-Founder of Thank You Life, a nonprofit organization with a mission of eliminating the financial barriers to psychedelic therapy by providing supplemental funds to those in need.

Get in touch and we can discuss what you have going on and if we think that this is a good fit for both of us. (I offer free 20-min phone consultations).

Mike McCabe, LMSW, LCDC

Mike was born in Richmond, VA and grew up in a deli that his parents owned and operated. He was raised on a love of sports, playing football and lacrosse, and was obsessed with Halo. In high school and college, Mike dealt with depression and anxiety, and self-medicated with a series of unhealthy behaviors.

It wasn’t until he lived and worked in Spain the year after graduating college that he began to form a sense of who he was apart from his familial, social, and societal definitions. Mike has always been a musician, from singing in the church choir as a kid to playing SXSW official showcases.

He moved to Austin in 2015 to pursue music, but ended up meeting the love of his life, Alyssa, and working as an eighth-grade English teacher. Music took them back to the East Coast, where Mike worked a dozen day jobs, from commercial real estate project manager to concert producer to educational software developer.

The grind of trying to “make it” eventually led Mike to a mental health breakdown/spiritual awakening, where he gave his life over to his Higher Power and realized his dreams of being a counselor and mentor to men struggling with a lack of meaning.

Mike, Alyssa, and their Boston Terrier, Hugo, and their husky/shepherd mix, Tennessee Jed, moved back to Austin in May 2020, and Mike completed his Master of Science in Social Work at the University of Texas at Austin in August 2022. Mike loves working with men in individual sessions and with couples so that men can live emotionally liberated lives.