Psychedelic Integration therapy

How do I make sense of this?

This therapy is for people who have had a psychedelic experience and are now looking to understand the experience and make meaning from it.

You have some sort of psychedelic experience. Maybe it was difficult and painful. Maybe it was overwhelming and scary. Maybe it was profound and transformational. Either way, you are trying to make sense of it. What happened? Was it just a “trip” or hallucination? How do I take this experience and bring it into my everyday life?

Psychedelic experiences are powerful.

They often shake up a lot – mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. These experiences have the potential to be extraordinarily powerful when handled in the right way.

Whether you had a profound awakening, or you touched upon childhood trauma, now it is time for the experience to be integrated into your life, into your worldview, and into how you show up in the world.

Integration is key.

Integrating these experiences helps put everything in their proper place. Sometimes these experiences bring forth pain, and this pain needs a proper container to be dealt with. Sometimes these experiences bring forth world-shattering moments, leaving you with little ground to stand on, and you need someone to talk through the insights you had. Sometimes, these experiences help you touch joy and love and fulfillment, where afterwards you are left with the whispers of what’s possible and it is up to you to go out into the world and live it.

Working with a trained professional to navigate these waters empowers you to make meaning out of your experience and consciously process the experience. Then you are taking ownership of your growth and healing.

If this sounds like exactly what you are looking for, call or email me today and let’s get started.